Saturday, April 9, 2016

A place I would live but have never visited

A place I would live but have never visited would have to be Ireland.
It would be easy for me to gain citizenship there because my family and I have done our research and I could easily trace our lineage.
I would also love to live there because of the weather. Yes I said weather. From what I've read it's never too hot and never too cold. The weather ranges from mid 30s to mid 70s all year long.
Another reason I would love to live in Ireland is because of its culture. I am so proud of my Irish American culture. I would love to see what some of the real traditions of an Irish woman are.
Lastly I would love to live in Ireland because of its neutral stance on World politics.
Where would you love to live if given the choice?

Friday, April 8, 2016

My first love and kiss

Ok, let me get the simple stuff out of the way. My first kiss was Jeremy Monica, 5th grade, behind his place on Pearl St. I was so nervous that someone would catch us and call my dad. Thanks for the memory Jermy (germy).
My first "love" of a lifetime was my son Louis! But I don't think thats what the question is asking and honestly the answer is complicated. I would have to say that I thought my first love was my ex-husband. I was young when we met (15) he was 13. We reconnect when I was 19 and he was 17. We got married in a year. I thought he was the one. Of course I did, or why else would I have married him right? Just months after being married the psycological abuse began, followed by physical abuse, adultery, and increasing lying, betrayal, and abuse. Then an older lady in her 70's told me, "Sweetheart, that's not love"
So that brings me to my first true love. The man I hope loves me for the rest of my days, TJ. He is kind, patient, he seldom boasts, he keeps no record of see where I am going with this. My first true love, the love that is descided in the bible, is my TJ.
Love you boo! ❤

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My earliest memory

My earliest memory was when our family camp was being built. I was about 2 years old. I remember my grandparents taking me swimming and their was a waterfall. I remember my grandmother was so tan. I was dressed in a red romper. My papa could swim like a fish. He swam under a ledge and held his breath for what seemed like forever.
I remember being praised for being so small and such a good swimmer. It was an early memory and it was a wonderful one too.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

5 problems with social media

This is just a little writing exercise to get me writing more and get people talking. This is not specific to a group or individual. Just my General opinion in 5 things, in no particular order, that I believe is wrong with social media.
1) The sharing of misinformation. I am have come to realize this issue with the current pending election. People sharing meme's and posting articles without taking the time to fact check any of the information/misinformation that they are sharing.
2) The lack of empathy behind a keyboard. I noticed that we tend to be more vocal about our displeasures when we don't have to say something to someone face to face. I have recently removed myself from a few forums that are catalyst for nothing more than bullying.
3) Constant need of approval or praise. I am guilty of this. Posting all my minor accomplishments for that thumbs up, double tap or retweet.
4) Missing a tone. I have also been guilty of this. Reading into someone's post, getting offended, no sensing the sarcasm or misreading what was written. Also posting things that have been misinterpreted by others.
5) No one calls, writes, or hangs out any more. Is this just what happens to us 30somethings? I don't know. But I do know my Christmas card collection is smaller and smaller each year. My family shoots me a happy birthday message on Facebook vs calling or sending a card. To me, it's just good manners to send a thank you card vs a genetic thanks attached to an emoji or meme.
So what are your thoughts? Can you post 5 reasons social media is great?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

30 facts about myself

1) I was named after a Fleetwood Mac song. 
2) My guilty musical pleasure: Britney Spears
3) My favorite color is yellow
4) My favorite sports teams are Denver Broncos(NFL) Syracuse Orangemen(college basketball)
5) My favorite food is sheppards pie or Reuben sandwhich
6) I have 5 biological nephews and just 1 niece 
7) I am super competitive
8) I love Jeopardy and trivia 
9) I used to hate my curly hair but now embrace it
10) I am very sensitive and some mistake that for being too serious 
11) I need work on my patience 
12) I am my own worst critic and have been told by many to give myself a break
13) I am a daddy's girl. His favorite daughter
14) I get resentful at times when I see people I love make the same mistakes I did
15) I care way too much about what others think of me
16) I love animals
17) My children are EVERYTHING to me
18) Jesus is my savior, this should be #1
19) I have been watching General Hospital since I was 4
20) The only time I wish I could walk is at a wedding reception when I really want to dance 
21) I struggle finding 30 things to say about myself
22) I quit playing video games because I felt they took me away from The Lord
23) 34 is my favorite number or any combination of those numbers. I don't know why. I have always liked those numbers
24) I love the sun! 
25) I hope God has it in His plan for me to visit Ireland some day
26) I can be lazy or overly ambitios and have few settings in between
27) I struggle with balance
28) My eyes are blue
29) I look forward to a nap time every day 
30) I hope you all enjoyed learning 30 facts about me

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

5 Blessings in My life

I really love to reflect on how blessed I am. It keeps me appreciative of the things that I have. It humbles me. It encourages me and drives me to do more. Here are 5 blessings. 
1) My family: They say people are either a blessing or a lesson. My family are a true blessing to me. Being a Mulverhill is something that makes me smile. We are unique. We have our quirks and habits that people who know and spend time with us can say, "It's a Mulverhill" thing. 
But it's not just my Mulverhill family that makes me blessed. It's my extended family. It's the step parents, step siblings, friends, coworkers, inlaws and people close to me that have become my surrogate family. All vital to my life and sanity. My children are blessed as well to have so many people who love and support them. 
2) I am blessed with a unique ability. The ability to love other children as my own. It has given me a great opportunity to co parent, foster and raise children who were not biologically mine but whom I love as they were. Shout out to my nephews, Gage, Brayden, my Doolittle girls, Aiden and Aryeonna. You all have brought such brightness into my life. I love you all so very much! 
3) TJ. Where would I be without him? All my life I have searched for a love like yours. Sometimes it feels so foreign. Sometimes I don't know how to accept that love. But them I seen you climbing in and out of the back of a truck to load and unload my wheelchair and happily push me around the store. Or dumping my potty for me. You have let me put down my walls. You have let me open my heart. To trust again. I love you. Thank you! 
4) My daily amenities. I am blessed with the technology to post this blog. The electricity to power these devices. Indoor plumbing. Clean water. Refrigeration. All the wonderful things that I sometimes take for granted until I have to live without them. 
5) Living in the USA. Although our country is going through changes. Even though our politics have turned away from God and are across the board unethical; the blessing of living in the USA is the hope and the ability for things to change. In the USA all dreams are possible. In the USA we have laws like the ADA and civil rights that give all people access to basic human rights and gives me the ability to live independently. 

I am curious. What are your 5 blessings? 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Something you told me and I never forgot

If you read my Facebook, have known me since I was 17 or are part of my life then it's no secret that I had a 7 year battle with drugs and alcohol. After 7 years, a car accident would change my life forever. This is not a post about how that accident changed my life. I have posted many things about that. This post is about how the gift of recovery has made me realize that there are no accidental meetings or happenings. Everything happens for a reason and God puts people in our life or removes them for a reason. Some we might never understand in this mortal lifetime and some are quite clear. 
Part of my recovery took me to the rooms of NA. I have met a lot of amazing people along the way. Some of these people have become my family and I care for them deeply. This post is not about them either. This post is about a chance meeting at a pancake breakfast that changed my life forever. 
I heard the words of a young speaker. She was early in her recovery. Less than 90 days. She talked about her experience, hope, and strength. I could relate to her struggle. The feelings that no matter how hard I tried and no matter how much I changed, it was never good enough. Certain people could always find flaws in what I did. I tried very hard to be perfect. To make all the right choices. To be the best person. My biggest competition, myself. It pushed people away from me. People either felt like they couldn't live up to my expectations or felt like I was phony. Honestly, I felt mighty and faked a lot so their feelings were justified. I lied to make myself look better or avoid confrontation. That is actually a character defect I still work on. Honesty. 
The end of this girls speech, her last sentence, has stuck with me. It's been Mantra and has helped me be honest with myself and others. It has helped me grow and is a reminder of how God's love for me is. I can't remember this girls name, I loaned the audio of her speech to someone and forgot and never heard the message again. But the line that keeps me afloat is "I am perfectly imperfect and I am perfectly ok with that"